Nitoseal SC100

Nitoseal SC100
Typical Applications
- For sealing moving or static joints in façade applications, such as precast or in-situ concrete, curtain walls, lightweight cladding and tilt-up slabs.
- Suitable for use on most building materials including concrete, brick, blockwork, marble and granite.
- Long life weathering performance - will not discolour like many silicones and other sealants
- High joint movement accommodation - up to 80% (+50%/-30%) compared to Fosroc Nitoseal PU250 at 50%
- Easy application - long tooling time, 20 minutes at 25°C and RH of 65%
- Wide service temperature range, -50°C to +150°C
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Will not cause crazing or cracking on polycarbonate sheeting
- Made in Australia
- Cure rate : Approx. 3 mm for 1st day at 25°C, 65% R.H then 1 mm /day thereafter
- Form : Non slump thixotropic paste
- Movement accommodation factor : Plus 50% / minus 30% (80% total)
- Physical or chemical change : Chemical cure (non-acid)
- Service temperature : Minus 50°C - 150°C
- Tooling time : 20 minutes minimum @ 25°C, 65% RH
- Typical hardness Shore 'A' : 18 - 25